I'm not shy when it comes to sharing the love, if I like something, you will almost certainly know about it because I am loud, awkward and a bit romantic. This means that when Curvissa asked me to write about a blogger I love, I panicked a bit. I LOVE A LOT OF BLOGGERS. If you are a blogger and reading this, the likelihood is I GENUINELY LOVE YOU, like seriously. I. Love. You. However, I am just one woman and I do not have the available leisure time to write an encyclopedia of my love for you. With this in mind, I've brought it down to the four blogs that I would take with me to a desert island and I am now going to tell you for why.
I was trying to describe Chloe to my husband this week but the closest I could get was "You know, she's just really good at things, like capable. And strong. And sexy". Pretty sure he thinks I'm going to leave him now but more to the point, Chloe is just one in a million. It takes a real Queen to rock up to an event late and covered in lube and this Queen is Chloe Pierre.
Her blog is aesthetically glorious, full of strong looks and interesting articles; all with Chloe's signature professional yet personable style. If you are ever fortunate enough to spend time with Chloe you will get to know her as someone who is truly interested in the people and world around her, five minutes in her company and you feel like you've known her forever. She is someone who I will always look forward to seeing, a true true diamond amongst women.
I've always looked to Bethany for fashion that takes me out of the ruts I so easily fall into but at the moment she is sartorially KILLING IT. It's almost like she is a beautiful butterfly who has become an even more ridiculously beautiful butterfly without having to create a gross little chrysalis.
I'm so pleased that I've been able to spend more time with Bethany in the real life world lately and I can assure you that she is a freaking delight; she's fun, she's interesting and if you spill ice cream on yourself outside of a luxury hotel like a Northern street urchin she will rescue you almost immediately.
Bethany takes the time to think about what she's saying, she looks at the big picture, she's just so damn intelligent and measured - like that gorgeous art school girl with shiny hair who speaks French and never has chipped nails who we all want to be when we grow up.
I want to be Bethany when I grow up - Who wouldn't.
Danielle from DanielleVanier.co.uk
In almost every plus size roundup in the history of my knowledge, there sits a bright star; Glamorous, funny and just a little bit naughty. That woman is Danielle Vanier. This hasn't happened by accident; in a world of fashion bloggers, Danie is special in that she really, really, REALLY knows about fashion. I have never seen her wear an item that I've not immediately coveted and then thought about for a long time afterwards.
Great things are happening for her this year and I cannot think of one person more deserving of them, because not only is Danie a style goddess, she is also very well known for being utterly marvellous to everyone she meets, warm, friendly and just so incredibly easy to like. Life is better for having Danielle Vanier in it and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Picture c/o Becky Barnes Blog |
I really hope that Beebs has read all the way through this thinking "Where am I bitch?!" Well I've saved the best til last here haven't I. Three things I like about Becky Barnes:
1. She is so stylish it's ridiculous. Every time I consider leaving the house looking like a bag of parsnips I think "What would Becky do?" and begrudgingly slip into something a little more chic. She makes me a better and less slobby Smyth.
2. She fights every life battle with grace, humility and a shit load of laughs. The past few years have been pretty harsh towards this Chick yet she thankfully just keeps on going. She raises her gorgeous daughter (Nearly put MY daughter there which is tres Freudian), brings in the dollar and still manages to pick up her plethora of friends whenever they need it. When my confidence is a bit shaky, all I have to do is think about her saying "Every Room" to me and I'm able to pick my substantial chin up and sashay onwards.
3. She's got a great ass.
I love the very bones of this woman and couldn't ask for a better mate if I tried. Oh and her blog is BANGING too.
Feel free to get involved in #ShareTheLove, everyone who writes a post will be entered
into a prize draw to win £250 to spend at www.curvissa.co.uk and seeing as
we're sharing the love, maybe we can share the spends...?
Em x