Five Minutes on Standing Alone

Sometimes we stand alone.

Today is the last day of child loss awareness week. I’ve not said an awful lot this week, partly because so many other wonderful women are saying things so beautifully and partly because I’m in a strange new phase. Beyond grief and into loneliness.

Food & Drink | Stop. Treat. Go with Galaxy® Chocolate Rounds

It's 3.27pm, the words on your screen are starting to blur, your tummy’s rumbling. Home time seems years away, yet lunch is a distant memory. It’s the time of day that clock watching becomes a national pastime and WE’VE ALL BEEN THERE. Luckily for us, Galaxy have got us covered - As soon as that clock hits 3.28pm head for the biscuit jar and indulge in a Galaxy® Chocolate Round.

Style | Beauty Comes In All Shapes And Sizes

Today, Navabi release their Beauty Comes In All Shapes And Sizes campaign where they aim to reach as many people as they can with the goal of exploring what Beauty REALLY means to us.

Style | Tutti Cutie with Rougette

I said I'd get some knickers up on here and I wasn't lying. In fact, I NEVER lie.
Unless it's about how much I've spent on ASOS this month, in which case I will lie to the death... Anyway, here are some knickers, and some fine ones at that.

Culture | You Have The Right To Remain Fat

As a smaller fat woman, I often find myself in the position where non-fat people feel I am a safe audience for all of their thoughts about fatness. The good, the bad and the downright fricking terrible. Every time this happens, I bite my tongue, recall that that *I* have a responsibility to my larger sisters and brothers, to set people straight and to educate on a few basics. 

Only sometimes it's hard (Albeit not as hard as being abused on a daily basis..), sometimes I forget all the things I know, all the big words, the politics of it all. I just want to stop and shout BUT YOU ARE WRONG HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS WHY ARE YOU NOT GETTING IT PLEASE?