I told you there'd be more jumpsuit action didn't I? Well here it is:
Plus Size Workwear with Navabi
Sunday, November 08, 2015
I've had a few weeks away from the
blog, partly for a break after all the excitement of the #AllYours campaign but
partly because I HAVE A NEW JOB. You know what new job means...?
A New work wardrobe.
So I'm kicking off with this gorgeous Manon Baptiste gathered shift dress from Navabi. (Excuse the pictures, it was raining...)
GatheredShift Dress*:
Manon Baptiste from Navabi
Shoes: Old (Similar HERE) Chain: Old (Similar HERE) |
In the past I've generally gone for
Next and Primark for my work wardrobe because it's cheap and cheerful, of late it's lacked
individuality and I've started to tire of that black sweaty generic workwear
material. I'm trying to bring a bit of my own personality into my workwear. This dress does just that; The draping, cap sleeves and cowl neck make it elegant yet wearable and the forest green colour further takes it away from your standard drab office get up.
Something I will say, I wish that this
dress was a bit longer. The Navabi Collection dress that I have is just that
bit longer and it makes a real difference when it comes to feeling put together
- I feel like if this sat below the knee with a pencil shape, we'd be in the realms
of dress perfection. Saying that, when I wear this with my full length wool coat, it looks like I'm wearing nothing else under it which is pretty cool and gets me a lot of attention...
There's a strong chance that my
wardrobe will consist of workwear and pyjamas for at least the next 12 years so
this will be the beginning of a Plus size workwear feature, if you can
recommend anywhere, in particular for taller bizness women, please drop me a
Em x
*The dress in this post was bought in part with a voucher gifted to me from the lovely guys at Navabi. I chose the dress and opinions are all my own.
If you didn't already know...#AllYours
Saturday, October 17, 2015
You may know what I am about to tell you, in which case you will be bored STIFF of seeing pictures of his BUT I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ANYWAY AS THIS IS MY WAVE AND I AM RIDING IT UNTIL I EITHER FALL OFF OR SOMEONE KICKS ME OFF.
Let me start by showing you the following:
Yes, that is me going "pow", it is also me sitting on a chair in my birthday suit like the floozie that I am. But WHY I hear you say! Well I've been bloody lucky, that's why.
I decided early this year to enter the Yours Clothing #YoursNeedsMe competition as part of my "Just say yes" vibe. The competition was to become the face of the Yours Clothing A/W campaign and feature on their TV advert. I am going to level with you here - I DID NOT THINK I STOOD A CHANCE. Genuinely.
To cut a long story short; following photos, videos, a hilarious casting which I hope nobody will ever see, wracked nerves, a lot of disbelief and extreme smacking of my gob, I became one of the chosen four. And that is when life as I knew it changed. The phonecall I received the day after the casting went as follows:
Producer: "Emma?"
Me: *squeak*
Producer: "The director really liked you"
Me: *squeak*
Producer: "Can you come to Palma in two weeks?"
Me: *Is dead on the floor has died from shock but is also saying "yes please are you sure I think you have the wrong number I touched my nose with my foot in the casting how can you want me I'm old and I fall over all the time and oh my gosh yes please please don't change your mind how much did my Husband pay you...."*
The advert shoot was utterly mind blowing For a start, along with the four professional models, we were flown out to Palma (The one in Spain) (Is there another one?) Put in a beautiful hotel, taken for delicious meals and then put to work...The shoot day was awesome, the work that Yours, Chief Productions and TBWA put in was enough to make me shattered just thinking about it. We were collected at 6am and taken to the set, from the moment we arrived it was a flurry of hair, makeup, styling, muffins (you can put a girl in nice clothes but you cant make her a model...) and then I was up. I did some dancing, some wiggling about and a sh*t tonne of sweating (in my defence, I was wearing a parka and a woolly hat in 40 degree heat)
The director was a star, he knew exactly how to get the best out of me...and how to get me to take my clothes off (I'm a sucker for a pretty face). Which takes us to that shot. A lot of people have asked if I'm actually naked. I'm not telling you. All I'm saying is that the chair had to be burnt after filming...

A couple of months later the girls were back together in a moderately less sticky climate to put together an A/W lookbook and shoot the photos which you may have seen in every window of every Yours Clothing store in the country...(HUMBLE AREN'T I?!)

The Yours clothing team are amazing. Genuinely. Being around them is like being with friends, they looked after us, supported us and spoilt us rotten (SO better than friends really...I might see if I can keep them...) We got to try on the A/W15 Heritage range, which is SO far up my street - There is not an item I didn't want (Except the parka which I've fallen out with for trying to kill me in the 40 degree Palma heat)
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My favourite shot from the day with Tia, love this girl <3 All clothes are available at www.Yoursclothing.co.uk |
I honestly have not tired of friends messaging me pictures of shop windows in all reaches of the UK - This is a once in a lifetime experience, I am not a model, this will not happen for me again so I am going to enjoy every single second of it (Including opening the Meadowhall store which I will tell you more about very soon!)

For me, in order to invest in a brand, I need to know that it has integrity and that it truly cares for its customers. So many brands are happy to make money from plus size women, they'll use plus size bloggers in their campaigns and pay lip service to diversity but when it comes to the crunch, the models they fall back on are a size 14-16 (at the most...). Now don't get me wrong, I'm a size 16, and I love seeing women of my size online - Simply, It makes it easier to see how clothes are going to look on me.
BUT, I am in the majority, I am represented everywhere.
Comments on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are testament to the fact that women want representing, and not just in terms of size diversity. Plus size women of colour have gone all this time with minimal representation in the world of fashion at any size (Steph from A Nerd About Town speaks about this HERE). It is something that many of us take for granted. And it ain't right.
The models used for the ad and the women who won the competition range from a size 14 - 26. They are Yours clothing customers, they come from different backgrounds, have different lives, look different; women of colour, tall women, short women, glamorous women, talented women and well...me...
I honestly could not be prouder to be a part of this. By no means am I saying "Look, Yours have fixed it all we can forget about under representation now" but they are becoming known for using a diverse range of models, (for example Tess Holliday and the utterly breathtakingly stunning Olivia Campbell). They are making a change and I sincerely hope that other brands will stand up and take notice.
L- R: Me, Tia, Linzi, Poppy |
The experience was incredible but I can honestly say that these three women made it everything it was; Linzi, Tia and Poppy are three of the most beautiful, dynamic and unique women I have had the pleasure to meet. Every minute with them has been like spending time with old friends, I guarantee to you here and now that this will not be the last you see of them so keep your eyes peeled (and just remember I called it!)
I hope that you love the campaign and advert as much as we loved being part of it. Your feedback and support so far has made me weepy on many an occasion and further proves me what a kick ass awesome group of readers this blog has.
Finally, I urge you: When an opportunity arises - Take it.
Em x
The Navabi Collection - Quality through and through
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Now this post is a bit picture heavy for the following reasons:
1. It was an extremely aesthetically pleasing evening.
2. I had a wonderful time.
3. There was a photographer there and he managed to get my good side more than once...
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to the launch of the Navabi Collection in London. Navabi are online purveyors of Premium plus size fashion, with Carmakoma, Live unlimited and Isolde Roth amongst the brands available. Their website is utterly dreamy; extremely aspirational and you can lose hours on it (I regularly do...)
Becky and I made a day of it, had some vino and headed to the WGSN offices in London, where we were spoilt rotten with bubbly, canapes and an extremely warm welcome from the whole Navabi team.
The night just kept getting better, as we were then audience to the following inspirational women:
Chief Merchant at Navabi, Miriam Lahage - Miriam's passion is incredible, she set the scene for the night perfectly with her knowledge, style and desire to get us all inolved with the Navabi Collection.
WGSN's Sara McCorquodale - Sara's CV blew my mind, she has worked with Conde Naste, the BBC and The Guardian amongst others (And she only looked 21 so goodness knows how she fit it all in) She took us through some truly eye opening trend forcasting, looking at current and upcoming style trends and vitally; how inspirational plus size models have become on instagram - And this isn't just a flash in the pan Ladies, plus style is here and it isn't going away (THANK GOODNESS)
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Buying Director Cheryl Coucher explaining how the Navabi Collection was born |
Navabi Buying Director, Cheryl Coucher - Cheryl took us through her vision for the Navabi Collection and why she is so invested in it - She was also hilarious and is clearly the kind of woman who won't stand for less than top quality.![]() |
Fabulous Designer Christine Checinska taking us through the Navabi collection |
Navabi Designer, Christine Checinska - Christine is someone you want to be friends with: Chic, animated and oh so much fun.
Christine took us through the Collection, sharing the influences and thought
processes behind each piece.
This may sound silly BUT; Everyone was stylish, talented and fascinating. They were also women, women who want to wear nice clothes, who like to spend time with their friends drinking wine and putting the world to rights. I quite often forget that fashion is dreamed up and designed by people who really aren't that different to me. Getting to know them a bit better added value to what is already an extremely impressive range.
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We were finally given free reign over the collection and were like kids in a sweetie shop. The quality is unlike much of what we have come to expect from a plus size range. For a start, the whole collection flows - The colour palette is stunning and the mix in textures and shapes means that you could put a capsule wardrobe together from this and need nothing else. Take this shirt, it's smart enough to wear to work but the dip hem makes it interesting enough to wear over jeans with a statement necklace to the pub. Each element of an item is put together well, there is no pulling, no hoiking and no sweaty fabrics..
This jersey shift dress was my piece of the night. The shape is my shape, the sleeves sit in the perfect part of my arm and the quality is utterly magnificent. I feel so mad men in it.
The plan is now as follows:
Wear it to work
Get promoted
Retire at 35
Being able to try on a range in this way with a group of women with such different tastes and styles was just wonderful. Items which I would usually overlook were utterly stunning on others - Like this Blazer and Culottes on Chloe, I wouldn't have known where to start but I think we can all agree - SHE IS SO FREAKING COOL (and quite a bit gorgeous). |
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A squat - A change from my standard deep lunge Back row: L-R Naomi, Katie, Georgina, Chloe, Danie, Isha, Hanna Front Row: Becky, Hollie, Christine Checinska, Chloe, Me, Syreeta |
There were beautiful faces I already knew and a few who I'd been really eager to meet, so amongst them, and the brilliant Navabi team, the company was utterly perfect. My face doesn't lie, I am genuinely that happy.
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L-R Chloe, Me, Syreeta and Becky All of the coats above can be found on the Navabi website |
I'm going to leave you with this picture because it sums the whole evening up for me - Gorgeous women having a magnificent time with fabulous clothes. You know what? I didn't just come away from this event loving the clothes, I came away from this event feeling inspired - About fashion, about blogging, about being Plus sized. So a sincere thank you to Navabi - You're making a big difference just by being there.
Navabi interviewed me about style, blogging and, of course, the navabi collection - You can have a read here.
Em x
Leather and Lace with Bonprix
Monday, October 05, 2015
Do you ever put an outfit on and immediately think YES I LOVE THIS HURRAY! For me it's been happening less of late as I've been rushing about all over the shop and not had the energy to get inside my wardrobe/floordrobe/pile of clothes, meaning that inspiration has been at a minimum. Until now.....
Lace Sleeve Polo Neck Jumper* - BonPrix Leather Look Pencil Skirt - F and F Cut out Pointed Ankle Boots - ASOS |
Bonprix were utterly delightful and offered to send me a piece of their plus size knitwear with a view to styling it for Autumn/Winter - I went for the Lace Sleeve Polo Neck Jumper and I could not be happier.
The knit is just so soft, light and drapy and I really like how the lace sleeves take this away from being a plain old polo neck. It also breaks up an all black outfit, making it just that bit more interesting. Finally, I love a bit of aeration on my elbows.
Who doesn't.
The Leather look pencil skirt was bought last week from F and F at Tesco and I'm already pretty excited about how else I'm going to wear this. Online it's only available up to an 20 but I can say in all honesty - Size down. This is a 14 which is unprecedented for me with pencil skirts. The Pointed ankle boots are ASOS - Size 9 (Size 8 in the rest of the world...) and are stupidly comfortable. Again, an Autumn wardrobe staple for me. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm falling in love with fashion again. HARD.
Em x
* Denotes items gifted for review
#GirlGangGoals with ASOS
Monday, September 28, 2015
I've never been formally asked if I'd like to be in a Gang before. In Yorkshire we tend just to hang around with whoever isn't flushing our heads down the toilet at lunch time... But Becky asked me and I said yes. Because who wouldn't want to be in the coolest Girl Gang going...?
Denim Shift Dress - ASOS Curve High Neck Top - ASOS Curve Tights and Boots - My own |
I'd been planning on investing in a denim pinafore for Autumn and this shift dress is spot on. Comfortable, versatile and so easy to wear. |
The High Neck Top is magnificent - Spangly, unique and my favourite Autumnal colours. I would suggest that you size up with this top as it is slightly cropped.
So who's in the Girl Gang...? I'm pretty certain you'll know these faces but let me tell you more just in case...
Becky - My Patty sister 4 lyf. In the world of blogging there are a lot less Northern chicks than you'd think, lest of all from the East coast Massif, so when we locked eyes across a crowded room I knew it was love. I have never met such a driven, talented and like-minded woman as Becky. She supports me in ways she'll never know and whenever we're together it's like I'm home. Plus she's utterly bloody hilarious, a wonderful Mum and has the singing voice of an angel.
Kate - This Woman is a star, she has brilliance running through her veins. Anyone who sees Kate wants to be her friend immediately because she oozes cool (Dolly Parton tattoo anyone..?!) But this isn't all there is to Kate. She's sweet, sensitive, funny and exactly the right kind of a deviant. She brightens ever room she's in and has made my life all the better for knowing her.
Make sure you go over to their blogs and see how they've styled their Girl Gang look - I know it's just my humble opinion but PHWOAR.
These girls, along with absent gang members Elena and Betty, are my Dream Team - Strong, brave, independent (and I'd be lying if I didn't say they're SMOKING HOT).
Want to be part of the gang...? Head over to Mrs BeBe blog and you have the chance of winning two pieces from the ASOS A/W collection OF YOUR VERY OWN (We don't need to share. Unless you want to...)
Em x
60s Vibes with Hairspray the Musical
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Think that only Twiggy looked good in swing dresses? WELL YOU’RE WRONG, Plus size babes have been making trends look good long before the likes of Melissa McCarthy and Amber Riley were gracing our screens.
The 60s broke fashion rules – Hem lines got higher, eyelashes got longer and musicians became the icons of the time. Luckily for us, you can grab a bit of inspiration from the best of the 60s trends for your Autumn/Winter 15 wardrobe:
Bold Patterns – The 60s were all about floral prints and clashing colours. Forget the antiquated “fashion rules”, bold patterns work on EVERYONE. If you’re not quite ready for a maxi dress, start with a fancy pussy-bow blouse or Biba style neck scarf.
How I wear it...
How you can wear it...
Pinafore Dress - Simply Be
Tunic - New Look
duffle bag - ASOS
Scarf -
Marks and Spencer
Dress - Yours Clothing
- High Neck collars –A high neck is so classic yet so chic. Scour the vintage shops for an authentic look or head to the high street for a huge selection of dresses and tunics with this feature. Ramp up the eyeliner and backcomb your hair for a Brigitte Bardot look that simply can’t fail.
How I wear it...
How you can wear it...
Green Marl Dress - Yours Clothing
White Lace Dress - Simply Be
Maroon Embellished Dress - Navabi
Monochrome Top - Evans
Knee boots – So many plus-size brands are now making knee boots with a wider calf, this opens up a world of possibilities; Suede A-line skirts over bold tights, a peek of a chunky heel under flares and, for the confident amongst us, Hot pants under a faux fur gillet – Why not? If it’s good for Elizabeth Taylor, it’s good for me!
How I wear it...
How you can wear it...
Tan Boots – New Look
Cherry slouch boots – Evans
Grey High Leg Boots – Simply Be
Black Stretch Boots –
Yours Clothing
My top tips:
- Second hand and vintage shops are your friend – Most vintage shops will now stock a full range of sizes (For example Mooch in Sheffield - They're ace) and if they haven't anything in for you ASK THEM; If they're a decent kind o' person they'll keep an eye on any new stock and let you know if anything suitable comes in.
- Pinafores look gorgeous and are so versatile - You can wear them over roll necks, shirts or t-shirts and keep them as casual or dressed up as you want
- I genuinely don't think the 60s have ever gone "out of fashion" BUT if you want to play it safe go for a classic shape with a 60s print or a 60s shape in a block colour.
Em x
The Tall Girl Dream - Simply Be Floral Midi Dress
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Just a quick post to share a wonderful last minute holiday find with you:
I know, I know, I've proven before that this can happen but I will never ever tire of it.
I bought this Closet dress on a recent trip to Simply Be in Doncaster: The larger lady's shopping paradise, with the ever ravishing Becky. I was immediately drawn to the length (obviously) but the colours and floral print also rock my world hard. It's very pretty without having to be too dressy which is a win for me.
It's a truly lovely, well made, well fitting dress. Just size down, I'm generally a 16 but this is a 12 - it's the VERY stretchy material.
So that's it now. End of the sun. BRING ON THE ROLLNECKS!!!
Em x
High Fashion With Yours Clothing
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Fashion week is almost upon us, as such I have taken the unprecedented seasonal step of FLASHING MY LEGS. These legs are very brown. Very brown indeed. They've had a full week in the sun so even if they look whiter than a polar bear, I can assure you that they are not (They are. They really are)
Floral Skater Skirt - Yours Clothing Chiffon Blouse with jeweled collar - Yours Clothing Wedge Ankle Boots - Yours Clothing Earrings - Yours Clothing |
I can't lie, when I hear the words "High Fashion", I think "not terribly wearable" but these last three words are not synonymous with Yours Clothing so in putting together this outfit I've gone for a wearable yet fashionable silhouette which is one you won't usually see on me. Saying this, I love the shape that you can get from scuba - the effect of a full skirt without the masses of fabric, and over a fitted shirt I think it looks very chic indeed. The detailing on the collar of this shirt is utterly beautiful - to be honest, there was no need for the earrings but I just like them so very much that I bling-ed it up to the max. Finally, the boots are a size 9 and are ridiculously comfortable (Again, not very high fashion of me...)
My absolute dream high fashion look is basically anything Vivienne Westwood - I know so many women love a bit of Viv - For me it's the structure, the bold prints and STUPIDLY high platforms. In fact, Yours are giving a strong nod to this look in their A/W range: Tartans shawls, chunky ankle boots and tailored shirts - I can't wait to get my grubby little mits on some of it.
Just a few words of advice with these items:
The skirt comes up big - Like REALLY big. This is a 16 and I think I could have gone at least two sizes smaller to wear it on my waist - So size down!
The shirt is a bit on the tighter size. This is an 18 and it is a bit gapey around the busoms - So size up!
(Yours' sizing is generally spot on for me so this is a one off)
UKPSFW is this weekend and it looks to be fabulous - I'll be keeping my eyes open for some catwalk inspo!
Em x
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